Day: November 14, 2014

A2A Accu-Sim 182 Skylane – released

Did we say “imminent” earlier? Well it was a little more imminent than usual, as the A2A Simulations Accu-Sim 182 Skylane for FSX and Prepar3D

Navigraph AIRAC Cycle 1412

  Users of Navigraph‘s simulator add-on navigational database updates will want to either run the FMS Data Manager, or visit the manual installers page of

Su-27 for DCS World Now Available

The Fighter Collection and Eagle Dynamics have announced the release of the Su-27 for DCS World, which is now available for download via in-game Model Manager and

HJG add 30 new classic liveries

Freeware classic jet organisation Historic Jetliners Group have issued another website update notification, this time documenting 30 new texture releases for their extensive model line-up.

Iris “Early Access” Texan Driver updated

Iris Simulation Software have announced the release of version 0.2.141113.2015 for “Early Access” purchasers of their upcoming “Texan Driver” (T-6B Texan II) package for FSX and P3D.

Aerobask – Diamond DA-42 Twin Star 3.0 X-Plane 10

httpv:// Install a detailed Diamond DA-42 Twin Star for X-Plane 10.30. The french developers behind Aerobask already produced other GA airplanes, and they deliver now this

Luis Martinez – LogbookFS

Log your flights of different simulators (FSX, FS9, X-Plane … ) with the same tool. Keep track of your flights origins and destinations, and display them on