Freeware : Aarhus airport

Vidan Design - Aarhus freeware

Aarhus, the second largest city of Denmark gets an updated version for its freeware airport FSX/P3D v2 scenery brought to the community by Vidan Design.

The author added that this new version will be appreciated thanks to its higher resolution and seasonal photoreal terrain, the new Autogen trees, and the more numerous aircraft shelters. See his complete message below.

“I am happy to announce, that a new version of my freeware scenery Aarhus Airport X is now available. New in v. 1.2: New 40 cm/pixel photoreal ground terrain with seasonal variation. New autogen trees. More aircraft shelters (HAS) added. ADE updated. Fixed an issue with missing taxiway textures in Prepar3D. The scenery is for FSX SP2/Acceleration and Prepar3Dv2. Download here:

Aarhus Airport EKAH, AAR, is situated 20 nautical miles north east of the city of Aarhus, Denmark’s second largest city. The airport was established by the German Luftwaffe during the World War II occupation of Denmark. Civilian traffic began in 1946, when the first flight between EKAH and Copenhagen took place. During the Cold War the airport served as Flyvestation Tirstrup, “Airbase Tirstrup”.

Vidan Design is a small one man scenery development studio run by John Jensen who lives in Aarhus, Denmark. Vidan Design has been developing freeware and payware scenery for Microsoft Flight Simulator since 2006. Vidan Design is best known for the “Danish Airfields X”-sceneries, a series of small, charming danish airfields, all made with great attention to detail, the highest level of realism and with a and distinctive nordic atmosphere. Vidan Design is focused on producing high-quality addon scenery for Microsoft Flight Simulator and Prepar3D.
