JustPlanes – AeroMexico 787 Dreamliner


JustPlanes have just released “AeroMexico joins series! with B787 & E-190” !!

about “AeroMexico B787-8 & E-190”
You can see flying the 787 roundtrip from MEX to New York JFK, then MEX to Paris CDG + the E-190 on a domestic flight. Great pilots, lots of presentations, fantastic camera angles and lots more.

For each of these flights you will get great Captains who present their aircraft and the progress of each trip in detail from start to end.

  • Cockpit filming using up to multi cameras for great views on takeoff & landing
  • Flight Preparations
  • Cockpit Set-up
  • Briefings & Checklists
  • External Walkaround
  • Depature & Arrival Airport Charts
  • Cockpit Presentation of Boeing 787
  • Cockpit Presentation of Embraer 190
  • Great scenery on departures & arrivals and en route
  • Cabin/Service Presentation
  • Presentation by AeroMexico’s Chief Operating Officer
  • Presentation by AeroMexico’s VP of Flight Operations

FILMED : 2014
TIME : 210 mins (5 flights of B787-8 and E-190)


xSAM_0314 xSAM_0335

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