Technobrain “Tokyo International Airport2 X” – preview photos


Technobrain the Japanese FSX addon maker opened web-site for their new product “Tokyo International Airpot V2”.
they also know as “Air Traffic Controller” for Video Game.

during 2 years. RJTT opened new International terminal. Technobrain will add this terminal building.


and stretched Runway 34R.

they also said, they will tune up for Direct X10.
we will get FPS more.

you can see that already. left side is old one. RJTT v1 on FSX.
right side is new one. RJTT v2.

they announced only Japanese boxed edition. still have not announced International edition yet.

do you want to fly over Tokyo before the Tokyo Olympic 2020?

fsx_rjtt2_03al fsx_rjtt2_02al


0 Responses

  1. 6800 yen for the product. That is 66.77 US dollars. No thanks. Will stay with WingCreation for Japan stuff.

  2. thanks, Eric 😀
    RJAA and RJTTs are my home. I live in Tokyo.
    why did I do that?.
    …yes. you can call me “grand pa” lol