A new message posted by Robert S. Randazzo in PMDG main forum gives more information about the 777-200LR SP1, its expansion 777-300ER and the other topics that have been awaiting details.
First of all, he reminds the Service Pack 1 will be free and required for all pilots owing the Worldliner base package. And due to to a surgery he had already delayed and that he must do now, the SP1 will be finally out in the first two weeks of July. In the same timeframe, the –300ER expansion will be released and may cost around 25 US$, like the 737-600/700 NGX expansion. There’s also a list of the -300ER liveries.
In about two months, PMDG may have projects to unveil for X-Plane. But for P3D, there’s no planning set yet. We just already know that the PMDG products for P3D will be sold at higher price and separately from the FSX entertainment licence.
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its what are you looking for …………… >>>
Jamal Nadeem Abdula Shehadeh Abdullah Al Hadidi