Day: May 30, 2014

Instant Scenery for Prepar3D V2 Available

Flight1 has released Instant Scenery version 3.01, adding compatibility with Prepar3D V2. Instant Scenery lets you easily place 3D objects using the mouse without leaving

FlightSimTools TaxiSigns HD Updated

Lockheed-Martin Prepar3D v2 has now been added to the list of sims supported by FlightSimTools TaxiSigns HD, as of  the new 1.02 update, now released.

“Tonka” takes shape for JustFlight

Following the success of their recent Canberra photo reconnaissance aircraft, the development team behind that package have now turned their attention to a European signature

FS2Crew announce Ultimate Ground Crew X

Waiting for the PMDG 777 SDK release, FS2Crew has announced another project that will not be related to a specific aircraft addon. Ultimate Ground Crew

Vidan Design – Nordborg

To complete the growing collection of Danish Airfields X by Vidan Design, their new title is Nordborg. This new one can be installed either in


Airac Cycle 1406

We’ve received notification from Navigraph that the current Airac Cycle 1406 is ready to update your addons and software that are compatible. Navigraph coupons are