SIMstarter, freeware launcher application

simstarter_01_cropPeter Rosendahl‘s SIMstarter application may be familiar to many in its previous guise of FSXstarter – a program designed to simplify handling of profiles, aircraft liveries, scenery sets and more for the Microsoft sim.

It has now expanded its remit to include Lockheed-Martin Prepar3D, while retaining its status defined by the developer as “Freeware/Donationware” in a press release received by simFlight yesterday. To find out more about the application, you can visit the developer’s site here, while the full press release is also available, by clicking on the “Read More” text, below.

No more batch-files…

SIMstarter is a tool to define different starting profiles for FSX and PREPAR3D. You can define up to 9 different starting profiles to set up your Sim for different situations. Define one profile for your VFR flights with a lot of eyecandy and special scenerys active and another for your IFR flights with less autogen, another scenery and so on. In addition SIMstarter includes a lot of other helpful tools to manage your SIM configuration.


  • Define up to 9 independent Start profiles to start FSX/PREPAR3D
  • All settings of FSX and most settings of PREPAR3D can be configured by mouse-click for each profile
  • Select preconfigured tweaks for FSX and PREPAR3D
  • Create individual ScenerySets for each profile to disable scenerys which are not needed
  • Create individual start definition and file operations (copy, rename, delete files) for every profile including exit program when Simulator has been exited
  • Define Standard Flight for every profile
  • All changes will be documented in Logbook
  • Create shortcuts to Desktop for every profile
  • Including Livery Manager to sort or hide Liveries
  • Sort and validate configuration Files like fsx.cfg
  • Diff-Manager which manage changes that have been done by other programs
  • TextInfo Manager to easily define TextInfo and SlewTextInfos
  • Select individual SplashScreens for every profile

And it provides a GoogleEarth Export to show all your AddOn Airports in Google Earth.