Genuine Simulation announce A380 Professional

Genuine Sim A380Surprise in this end of the year : Genuine Simulation opened their homepage to announce an Airbus 380 Professional expansion to FSX, P3D and FS9.

Without further features details or screenshots, they just add that its release is being prepared after 2 years of developement. Their URL is

0 Responses

  1. Guys, be careful. This would be the first AC designed for FS9, FSX and P3Dv2 licensed by Airbus itself. I wonder whether Airbus are aware of this. I’d advise you to do a whois check for their website, and to check that reference as well. In Dragons Den speak: I’m out.

  2. hmm wonder if this is the a380 project that was around a few years ago by Next Level Simulations, seems a little strange as on the facebook site they say it will be limited number of copies available to ‘prevent of copy’!

  3. This is fake. Stay away!
    Stay away from this… there are a lot of presentational mistakes on their website, and it’s a scam, much like ”Extreme Level Simulations” who developed an A330 in 3 days… It’s probably a 14 year old trying to make money and taking advantage

  4. It’s an obvious scam and it’s pretty disappointing that Sebastien posted this without fact-checking first. Guy who registered that site also registered a now dead site that supposedly sold flight-sim hardware, other than that his internet presence is near non-existent

  5. “Never buy a guitar whose brand name includes a description of how good it sounds.” Bruce Springsteen

    Airbus Officially Licensed, 3 FS version, product and they couldn’t get someone to grammar check their one page website? Something smells fishy.

  6. Just to add to this, an attempt to advertise this was blocked on the forum yesterday as spam – unfortunately the post was blocked and deleted before I got to trace the IP address, but the poster claimed to be in the UK, according to the report I received.

    simFlight also received an e-mail this morning, stating that “criminating people and roorback is criminal act that have heavy fines and it seems unlikely from you.
    we are a developer of flight simulator that is the newly established and only our name server of domain is logged in iran but our location is in the united state of america and our activity is valid.
    please remove untrue comments on your site as soon as possible.”

    The e-mail is unsigned. A reply has been sent stating that it is they who are responsible for providing evidence that they are legitimate and that after two years of development of a product licensed by the real world manufacturer, this should not be difficult.

    We await a reply.

  7. Hi Everybody,

    I contacted Airbus Myself by sending them an email.
    Amazing, i got a reply just 20 minutes later already 🙂

    As an answer on my question: Do you at Airbus know this upcoming A380 for Fs2004/FSX /Prepar3d?

    The answer from them was bullseye!

    No, we do not know them and already looking into this, and what we can do about it.

    So now we all know: Stay away from this A380 and the people behind it,and when “released” DONT BUY!

    Happy Chrismas already to everybody!

    Greetings from the Netherlands


  8. The guy from Genuine Simulation has posted more pics stolen from Next Level Simulations’ facebook and keeps answering questions and promising every feature people ask about while at the same time deleting comments by the tens and blocking people from the page (according to comments on NLS). You can see 20+ comments announced under a pic, click on the link and only 5 or so remain to be read. Fortunately facebook does not update the number of comments after you delete them from a conversation.
    I want to see how this is going to end…

  9. Wow!!!

    This guy is a real peace of &%$£!!!!
    Is there not some kind of way he can be stopped
    by law or some other way?

    after a have read the above last 3 comments i am realy “sad” that
    people like him are around us in the flightsim community.

    i hope that Airbus themself can do something to stop this idiot!



  10. Oh good god, please tell me that none of you have fallen for this joker. To start with, some of the screenshots actually have NLS labels in them.

    Additionally if you read the specs for the add-on posted on their ‘page’… an Airbus A380 add-on aircraft produced using real information and licensed by Boeing. Boeing?! I’m no expert and clearly the dipstick running this scam isn’t either!

  11. They have awarded themselves the SimFlight “Best Airliner 2004” award among many others. Very sad….