CLS about to release 747 Classic v1.5

CLS_747_Classic_1-5Our friends at simFlight Russia could upload a 28 new screenshots of the upcoming upgrade 1.5 for the 747 Classic Series (-200/-300) of CLS – Commercial Level Simulations.

This popular addon will receive new layers of realism : full working FMC, new EHSI gauge, 10 new repaints, new sounds.. Your FSX / FS9 simulator seems to be hungry already.

0 Responses

  1. Good news. It needs an upgrade to at least put it in the same level (in terms of systems simulation) of the now ANCIENT (so ancient it has been freeware, payware and back to freeware again) Ready For Pushback 747 classic, which I am still flying for the sheer pleasure of flying clocks and analog dials on a timeless aircraft.

  2. Care to back that statement up with some reasons why, Harry? The more information people have, the better judgement they can make for themselves.

  3. Oddly, every time I ask that, I never get reply with reasoning. One of these days, someone will surprise me!