Day: November 20, 2013

Prepar3D Version 2 due 25th November

In this news post on their site, the team from Lockheed-Martin behind the next version of Prepar3D have announced that version 2 of the simulator

MegaScenery Earth Nebraska

When posting MegaScenery Earth scenery news articles, we always try and open with an interesting fact about the state being covered. With Nebraska, that was

Alabeo’s R66 at simMarket

Alabeo‘s first foray into the ‘fling wing’ area of flight simulation may look, at first glance, like a R44, but the R66 is a very

Simulator World 12-2013

The latest issue of free PDF publication Simulator World, 12-2013, has a couple of articles that will interest flight sim fans – covering both aeroflyFS,

Gentlemen! Start your… Sirens?

We don’t normally report on the ‘wide ranging’ collection of Everything Simulator titles, but every now and then they cross the divide into areas that