Edit : FranceVFR – Nord Pas de Calais VFR V2 released

FranceVFR_Nord-Pas-de-Calais_VFR_prev_nov13Now using 3D Automation technology, combined with High Definition aerial views, desne and varied autogen items (both buildings and trees), FranceVFR – Nord Pas de Calais VFR V2 looks very stunning (edit Nov 08th 08:00pm UTC : it’s now released at simMarket).  The French developers share two long preview screenshots, open part 1 and part 2.

You will discover as real as it gets the French northern region beaches with detailed coastlines and marvellous watermarks, harbors, cities, forests, plants and industrial chemneys, wind turbines… Many VFR landmarks are accurately placed on the photoreal custom meshed terrain.

The first users comments consider the makers are magicians, and that the time they have waited for it was deserved for this superb result.