openVFR go East to the Rising Sun

asia_japan_2013_10Yesterday’s Press Release from openVFR announced their coverage of Japan, the Land of the Rising Sun, for Microsoft FSX and L-M Prepar3D.

Japan is a land of striking scenic beauty. The total area of Japan is around 300,000 sq km. First time visitors are impressed by its greenness and its spectacular mountains. Seventy percent of Japan is mountains and hills.

The full press release can be read by clicking “Read More” below, while openVFR’s website can be found here.

Flying openVFR in Japan
OpenVFR is happy to publish its new VFR Scenery AddOns covering Japan.  As the other popular VFR scenery addons from openVFR also the new packages are compatible with Microsoft FSX and also Lookhead Prepar3D.
Japan is a land of striking scenic beauty. The total area of Japan is around 300,000 sq km. First time visitors are impressed by its greenness and its spectacular mountains. Seventy percent of Japan is mountains and hills. Most of the mountains are volcanoes.  The volcano Mount Fuji is the biggest peak (approx. 12,300 ft) in Japan.  Near to Mount Fuji you can fly to The Japanese Alps, which offers the most beautiful mountain scenery of whole Japan.  Some other regions are best for its farming areas. Japan has also many woodlands, fantatsitic lakes made by small rivers and more than 1000 islands. All in all its rocky coastline is about 29,751 km.
The following new Scenery Addons are available at

openVFR Autogen adds mainly autogen vegetation (like forests or even smal copses) and some autogen houses (due to missing data mainly some few big cities) at their real locations

openVFR Terrain which adds complex topographical information like roads, railways, rivers, streams, lakes, coastlines, forest, etc.

openVFR Objects which places special objects like power generators, towers, stadions at their real world positions

openVFR Mesh to get the shapes of all mountains become more detailed
For more screenshots please also consider to visit our facebook page:

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About openVFR:
The project openVFR was founded in 2010. The idea was to dramatically improove the realism of the ground scenery in Microsoft Flightsimulator X (also compatible with Lookhead Prepar3d)  to enable VFR navigation by use of real-world data from Openstreetmap. Over the years a lot of modular products were developed. The overall vision is to create a wide varity of scenery fitting together and give the user a huge choice to select the level of detail for each country according to his computer performance.