CERA Blackhawk – out now

115864_uh60 (55)CERA Simaircraft have been known until now for their recreations of Bell rotary winged aircraft but for their latest release, they have switched allegiance to the opposition – Sikorsky – and the familiar shape of the UH-60L Blackhawk utility helicopter.

In an unusual move, the package requires the RealityXP GNS530 GPS 3rd-party add-on, in addition to FSX+Acceleration. The aircraft comes with 5 liveries, numerous animations and ‘eye candies’ as well as a Night Vision Goggle effect described as being ‘beta’.

Full details can be found by clicking here.

0 Responses

  1. A manual engine start is impossible, starter don’t work. The APU works fine. I have some anomali. F-10 kneeboard Cheklist is always the same only Avionic check ? And a crasch in the sound INI file ?

  2. After research in the real Blackhawk Operators Manual TM 1-1520-237-10.pdf ther is the same key ignition switch but litle more in the midle.