Hypothetical Hubs… Care to join in?

69448_megaairportfrankfurt_1Just a little bit of fun for the weekend, but depending on whether you want it to or not, there’s nothing at all stopping it from being one of a number of similar discussion posts. Let’s see what happens, shall we?

Basically, we’ll provide you with a single airport identity – a “hypothetical hub” as per the title – and a small bunch of criteria such as maximum trip length and a type of aircraft. What we want from you is what you’d do with it. Where would you fly to and why?

We know that the majority of our readership is from Europe, we know that the majority of FS pilots seem to prefer the heavier metal end of the market, whether they’re flying the default airliners, PMDG NGX or Concorde. Therefore, for this one, we’ll stick with the most popular choices and start at Aerosoft’s Mega Airport Frankfurt, pictured above.

Your parameters are a maximum of approximately two hours’ radius (brakes off to brakes on), from EDDF, in a short haul, single aisle, airliner – an A320 series, B737, Embraer Jet or equivalent. Doesn’t matter which sim, which aircraft model, whether you’re using payware, freeware or default. Over to you… Where to and why?

0 Responses

  1. C’mon folks. If everyone who has “liked” the post had actually replied instead, it would be a lot more interesting… 😉

    My answer is that I’d probably end up flying to UK2000’s Birmingham International Airport (EGBB), just because it’s my closest commercial airport and the one I know best.

  2. From EDDF? That’s my “home Hub”. Within 2 hours? Probably to the south, somewhere in the Alps. Maybe Innsbruck or Zürich, they really have nice approaches through the mountains.

  3. I’m thinking Frankfurt to Innsbruck – love the steep approach and difficult final into the airport – the last 15 minutes of the flight is a super intense wild ride!

  4. Blackpool, as an ATCO and commercial pilot (RW) based there it is my obvious choice

  5. To the south, Lisbon. Why? for the contrast between central european and southwest europe’s scenery and weather (although not much difference lately). Would use both Aerosoft’s mega airport excelent sceneries.

    On what? Hmm presently I’m exploring/flying the old Ready for Pushback 747-200SF. A bit too large according to the post’s specifications. But there’s always cargo needing to go somewhere.

  6. Just did a few short haul flies to Stuttgart and back on a Lufthansa-skinned PMDG 736. It’s a real flight (albeit apparently not for much longer and, I believe, not with a 600 but smaller) and good for training transitions and approaches. I like the descend into RW25 at EDDS with the city to the right. I also like to see my hometown (Darmstadt) from above.

  7. Two choices… EGLL to connect to a intercontinental flight (much more choice there), else I’d fly to LEPA if Aero$oft/SimWings cared to do an update. IRL I’ve been to LEPA a few times. Beautiful island, and stay away from S’Arenal.

  8. This is a hard one, I fly out of EDDF regularly; at the moment, I’d feel like flying the Leonardo SH MD-82 to ESSA in SAS colours (flight 2636.) Alternatively, PMDG’s 737NG is always tempting (also and SAS one to ESSA), as is Captain Sim’s 707 (in BA colours to Heathrow) with the Delco C-IV INS from Simulfly (it’s single aisle and by today’s standards medium haul.)

  9. At 2:01 I hope mine is still allowed 🙂

    EDDF-EGAA. Why is simple. A major reason why I didn’t get into flying for a living was that I didn’t want to live out of a suitcase. For me EGAA is as close to home as I can get.

  10. As LXGB (Gibraltar) is probably well over the 2 hour maximum, i’d have to say EGKK (Gatwick) because that was the airport I spent happy hours watching planes and trains upto my early teens 🙂