Aerosoft – Global Air Traffic Control


It will be a standalone product, not related with FS or X-Plane files but it’s not a flight simulator. Aerosoft is working on a Global Air Traffic Control simulation that gives you the seat of Tracon and Tower controllers.

Some neat features are announced : multiplayer mode, SIDs and STARs support for +6000 airports worldwide, speed and altitude constraints display, expected in this summer.

0 Responses

  1. It would be nice if it was possible to connect with FS, and control pilots online or at home in another computer. Many years ago there was a Tower Simulator, that allowed for this (although in a limited way). With one of their sceneries it was possible to connect two computers at home (I think this was before the internet boom of online games) and have one fly FS5 (If not mistaken) and the other see the aircraft from their tower window and on their radar, and issue commands. Cool. Sometimes I still play this Tower sim in my old Win98 rig.

  2. That I am aware, this is the first ATC sim that comprises “the entire planet!”, quite a feat (do correct me if I am wrong).

  3. eh..great features, but…still a little but cartoony display. I like the holding stacks, but the radar scope needs some more details. The 6000 airport thing great, but where does the traffic database come from?..also..radar systems and presentations vary greatly around the world and those details are hard to find.

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