MSK – Remake Jinnah International for FS2004

107733_OPKC_redone (4)Karachi in Pakistan is not a location visited often by add-on scenery developers, so it is perhaps unsurprising that MSK have chosen to redevelop and update their own scenery from a few years ago to include new features and techniques.

Jinnah International (OPKC) is the country’s largest international airport, served by numerous international airlines in addition to being the hub for PIA – the national flag carrier – and other regional airlines. With pilot selectable approach lighting, allowing lit approaches in bad weather, numerous vehicles, clutter and with high resolution custom structures of all major buildings, full details of the airport can be found here.

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  1. Is it possible that buyers of version 1.0 may not have any update or at least special conditions?!
    Please kindly clarify.
    Thank you.