FTX Global – EU Preview


This is a preview video filmed over Europe, to introduce the new set of textures for entire Earth in FSX announced by Orbx as FTX Global. The mesh and landclass remains as in FSX default database in case you don’t have another one installed. FTX Global is just about textures.

Orbx founder and manager, John Venema, added he oculd upload more videos of other regions of the world in some time.

0 Responses

  1. Wow…. lets hope the rest of Europe – and the world are just as good. And what does this mean for Eastern USA, South America, Australia, NZ?
    Will the Australia, NZ, UK, Western USA be redundant now? Or is this not going to be as good as those regions?

  2. Wow! What a fantastic video. I’m sure this will be flying off the shelves. Can FS get any better?

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