Day: March 1, 2013

FS Instant Approach Pro

FS Instant Approach Pro is a tool for FSX and FS2004 that lets you select an airport and directly puts you in approach position, ready

Carenado TBM 850 screens

Do you make part of the TBM 850 fanatics ? Its singular design makes it so easy to identify. Evaluate Carenado design fidelity in their

777 Captain v1.1 : VNAV fixed ?

At least that’s what Captain Sim claims they achieved in the new update 1.1 for their 777. The service pack 1.1 should also improve the

JustFlight L-1011 TriStar feature preview

httpv:// This video is a showcase of some features that JustFlight included in their Classic airliner L-1011 TriStar. Some of you may be in lack