Want a specific livery on a CLS model?

topTo promote their repaint manager for FS9/X, Commercial Level Simulations have announced that they are accepting requests for specific liveries to be added to their aircraft scheme line-up.

Always wanted a specific livery to be painted on one of our aircraft? This is your chance! To promote our Repaint Manager, we are accepting livery requests on our Facebook page: facebook.com/commerciallevel

Every week, our highly skilled painters will create the livery with the most LIKES. The livery will be uploaded to our Repaint Manager for all users to download. Then the cycle starts all over again, so you can re-submit if you did not win. But make sure to get lots of Likes!

To see more details, click on “Read more” below, or visit the CLS Facebook page.

Posting your request is easy. Go to our Facebook page and leave a comment with the requested livery. Also include a link to a picture of the livery. You can start sending in requests at this very moment. The first winner will be known on sunday.

We look forward to painting your request!

There are a few simple rules.
1. The livery must be a real world airline
2. The livery cannot be a special livery due legal restrictions (for example, no Disney requests)
3. The request should involve a CLS aircraft
4. Requests only participate in the specific week. Afterwards you can resubmit if you did not win.
5. CLS has the end decision in which request will be created.

The CLS Team