FranceVFR Midi-Pyrenees Photoreal

104198_PHOTOMP1_13Most regular readers will, by now, be familiar with FranceVFR‘s photoreal area sceneries.

Based on IGN aerial photography, they provide 0.85m – 1m/pixel photoreal imagery of summer textures across large areas of the country per package – in this instance volume 1 of the Midi-Pyrenees area, in the south west near the Spanish border, for MS FSX.  In case you don’t recognise the image above, one of the features of this area included in the scenery is the Millau Viaduct which, spanning almost 2,500km and with a mast reaching 343m above sea level, is the tallest bridge in the world, as well as one of the most impressive.

More screenshots and purchase information for the whole package can be found on the product page.