More Topskills Manuals

FlightSimManeuvers2011Cover200x342Author Bill Stack has released two more PDF-format e-books for simulator pilots through TopskillsFlight-Sim Maneuvers and Flight Sim Pilots Information Manual.

The first of these e-books, available here, discusses the operation of a simulated aircraft as it would be used in the real world. Topics covered include much of the information passed to a pilot during ab-initio training, such as moving safely around an airport, flying the traffic pattern, take-off and climbout, plus much more.

The second title is, as the name infers, more of a technical manual than teaching a pilot how to fly the aircraft. It covers legal, technical and licensing aspects of flying that will often still apply as much to the virtual pilot as their real world counterpart. In particular, for newcomers to flight simulation, it covers a lot of the acronyms, terminology and formulae used in aviation. The Flight Sim Pilots Information Manual is available here.