Flight1 release Ultimate Traffic 2 – 2013 Edition

klmarrivalFlight1 have issued a Press Release announcing the release of Ultimate Traffic 2 – 2013 Edition for Microsoft FSX.

Free to existing registered users of the UT2 package, the 2013 edition includes 550,000 airliner schedules and well over a million GA schedules, covering in excess of 6,000 airfields and airports worldwide. It also includes a feature to use your own planned flights using the Flight Plan Assignments feature.

Available via F1’s “SimStop” site for $49.95, the package can be purchases at this point as a boxed product only. To read the full press release, click “Read more”, below.

[Press Release]

Ultimate Traffic 2 – 2013 Edition out now for Flight Simulator X


Flight1’s release of ‘Ultimate Traffic 2 – 2013 Edition’ brings Ultimate Traffic 2 up to date with the addition of the latest seasonal schedule. Fly with the latest real world scheduled flights!

Included are over one million flight hours of commercial traffic and a further two and a half million flight hours of general aviation flights. That’s over 550,000 real-time scheduled flights and 1,300,000 general aviation flights! Choose from International, National, Regional, Commuter and even Air Cargo operators. There are 100’s of airlines worldwide and the DX10 aircraft models give unparalleled frame-rates and run smoothly with VoxATC and Ideal Flight.

‘Ultimate Traffic 2 – 2013 Edition’ provides users with AI traffic for over 6,000 airports. The end result is an active airport environment, whether you are shooting approaches on 28L at San Francisco International, or flying a virtual load of food supplies to the upper reaches of Alaska.

You can organize and print timetables for any airline and assign any FSX-style flight plan using the Flight Plan Assignments feature. You can even select a flight from the live departure board and fly it yourself if you want!

The boxed edition of Flight1s ‘Ultimate Traffic 2- 2013 Edition’ is out now from your favourite flight sim retailer and direct through Flight1’s SimStop site here, priced at just $49.95:


If you already own Ultimate Traffic 2 then registered users can obtain the 2013 update FREE at http://ut2.flight1.net and visiting the Support and Product Update pages.

0 Responses

  1. On the links provided, I find only the summer 2012 schedule and the web site referees to version 2.08 while I have already 2.09 on my PC. Anyone found that new version?