FFB Yoke from Brunner Elektronik

force_feedback_yoke_zoomSwiss company Brunner Elektronik have announced the release of their Control Loading System Basic Yoke – a force feedback yoke designed for use with commercial off-the-shelf simulators such as the MSFS series, Prepar3D and X-Plane.

More than just a hobby yoke – which partially explains the €4000 price tag – the hardware supports numerous control systems including USB, CAN and TCP/IP. It can also be electronically linked to a second unit for multi-crew training. Technical specifications and full details can be found on the Brunner Elektronik website.


0 Responses

  1. It looks like a great bit of hardware. Too bad nobody has ever found the economy-of-scale sweet spot that would allow a device like this to be manufactured for home use, with a corresponding home price tag. I could imaging paying $500 for such a device, but EUR4000 is a bit of a budget breaker.

  2. ….. AND- ladie´s and gentlement- if you order it today in this hour, yu´ll get 1 Spaceship– FOR FREE…

    -only joking, i am sure its quite a good piece of hardware (has to be), but this price is really too much for any private useage- thats almost the haf price of a PPL in Austria- maybe my teacher will buy it for his certified simulator 🙂

  3. It’s funny, but I’d have thought the same until I saw how much people are actually spending – not infrequently – on fully blown home cockpits.

    The other side of Birmingham from me, a guy has converted his spare room into a Boeing 747-400 flight deck. Cost? To the best of my knowledge he’s never actually said, but it’s multiple tens of thousands of pounds (exchange rate circa €0.78=£1 when I looked earlier).

    They’ll do anything they can to make the “immersion” as high as possible – buying Boeing seats, real yokes from retired aircraft, real panel facias, which they then wire with home cockpit controls and lights… What some people will spend on this hobby frankly worries me a little sometimes. €4k on a force feedback joke? Certainly possibly for a commercial simmer, certainly above what the vast majority of us would pay, but not if someone really wants force feedback on a yoke rather than a plastic spring-centred Saitek or CH unit. The ability to cross connect two would be a selling point for many that build full cockpits as well.

    Let’s put it this way though. I don’t think my car is worth what that yoke sells for. I won’t be getting one. 😉

  4. Thanks for interesting in our new force feedback yoke.
    We know that the price may to high for a hobby flight simmer.
    The target groups for this units are simulator builder
    or enthusiastic home users who wants to reach certification level for flight training.

    The Yoke runs with 2 permanent magnet ac-servo motors@200W with high resolution encoder and a precise and strong mechanics.

    Two unit can be synchronized via CAN-Bus in real time.

    We are at the development of a new Yoke that will fit more in the target groupe of a home user
    It will have the same features but much lovering forces and a affordable price 🙂

  5. If you can come up with one for a reasonable price that has even half the features of this one, you’ll undoubtedly have a whole bunch of customers. Most of us have been pining for a good FFB yoke for years.