Combat Pilot approaching launch slot

clear-for-launchMadCatz – who you may or may not know as a publishing house and also the owner of Saitek – have issued a press release to announce the imminent release, at the start of next week, of Combat Pilot.

This membership-based service takes MSFSX to a whole new level for fans of military simulation, providing an entire career path in a virtual military of your chosen nation, with multiplayer, flight and weapons training in custom built aircraft developed by A2A Simulations. More information about the product and its components, as well as pre-orders, can be found at the Combat Pilot website, or you can click “Read more“, below, to see the press release text.

Full press release text:

“Combat Pilot (for FSX) is now ready for launch. Pre-orders are live and the Combat Pilot experience begins on December 18th

Our multiplayer servers are primed, our hassle-free turnkey solution is locked down, and NAS Fallon is prepped for the holiday intake of cadets. Pre-ordering will get you an additional 30 days of server time (you also get 30 days included with the download anyway), plenty enough time to sample our on-line universe and get your new career as a military pilot off to a great start.

Don’t feel you need to join alone though, you can bring your entire squadron, retain all your existing contacts and identities. The training is tough, maintaining the high standards you expect.

Best of all, it’s virtually risk free. We’ve created a launch package that includes 3 very high quality A2A-designed (CP-T-6B, CP-T-45C and CP-T-38C) aircraft and no less than 7 highly detailed military bases, all of which can also be used outside the Combat Pilot environment if you so desire.

Check out the complete offering and secure your seat today.