Contrail Simulations seek community help

Following on from their recent press release about their livery painting service, Contrail Simulations have been in touch again, this time seeking photos of the airport set to be their first scenery project; El Paso International Airport.

According to the press release, anyone who sends in photos that they have taken themselves (don’t just search the internet for pictures, they’ve done that!) will be entitled to a free copy of the scenery when complete. To read the full press release, click “Read more” below.

“Contrail Simulations is proud to announce El Paso International Airport as our first official product! After some talk between our scenery designers, we finally have reached a decision to move forward with El Paso as our first scenery since our start up. We would like to officially announce this to the public because we would like the public to get involved in helping with this project. We don’t want to have to just imagine what some part of the airport looks like, we would like to be as accurate as possible with our first project, to show the community what we are capable of. So we want to ask the community to help us in the best way possible, send us photos! And, anyone that sends us photos that help us in creating this scenery will receive a free copy once the airport is finished and ready for release! And, please don’t just google for pictures as we have all the information we can find from the internet. Preferably we would like photos that are taken personally by the person sending the pictures. You can send any information or photos you have to,

Thanks again, sorry about sending more news so soon. But we have a lot of exciting stuff happening here at Contrail Simulations!”