HiFi Sim AS2012 SP2 Public Beta

HiFi Simulations have today announced that the beta of their next Service Pack for ActiveSky 2012 has been released for public testing.

The new build includes a number of enhancements and additions to the textures, weather generation and presentation, but also brings formal support for Lockheed-Martin Prepar3D to the previously (officially at least) FSX only package.

AS2012 users should see the news announcement in the package the next time they start it, otherwise more details can be found here.

0 Responses

  1. I am having issues with recieving a download site … I am trying to obtain evolution on my comp with fsx ,,,need help.
    I wish to have the info sent to [removed].. I have already submitted all info twice , going around in circles now ,,with “”invalid e-mail addy ”

    [Personal and purchase info removed]

    1. You need to approach HiFi Sim or the store you bought it from (who will probably send you to HiFi Sim). No-one reading your post here will be able to help with that.