CPS Tutorial 3 : How To Load Concorde


I have two good news to share about Concorde Performance System, the tool of Pierre Chassang to manage weight and balance of your Concorde X, and to edit a complete flight package as a PDF file.

The author opened up a blog to retrieve the download link and password at once. Just copy the red letters and paste it on the download page just above the “telecharger” (download) button. And to make you  feel comfortable with his tool, he recorded those video tutorials listed on his YouTube channel. The latest version now tests for auto updates at launch.

0 Responses

  1. Well they are not that bad, but you just landed with hieegpshd lol!And why only you recorded the MD-11, try with other several heavy’s too BTW nice vid and and keep practice landings, I know how difficult it is to land a PMDG MD-11 smoothly lol