DOM-GNL Atlanta – Round #24

Our last posted report from Robert Graf mentioned that there had been a technical problem with round #24 at Atlanta, which hadn’t been resolved. We’re pleased to be able to say that it now has – or more correctly Robert has re-sent the report. Therefore, we apologise for this one being rather out of synch with the season as it happens, but please click “Read more” to see Robert’s report from round #24 of the iRacing Deutsche Online Meisterschaft (German NASCAR League) at the virtual representation of Atlanta, Georgia.

#24 Atlanta:

Well, his time the #51 Simflight Chevy was fast. Very fast indeed, the whole DIHL Team ran on the same setup and we took the first 5 places on qualify. Race started with a couple of yellows and on the first one I went from 24th to 12th. Very nice! Then I got even higher, up to 4th for a brief period. Then the field settled down and we had our first green flag pitstops. While I was running quite good on the start of a stint, later the tires would get hot and I just couldnt keep up anymore. But thats my fault, I’m just that tad too agressive on the first laps. The car was brilliant. So, I was shuffled back during those long runs, down to 10th even.

And thats pretty much how the race went, out of the pits I gained a few positions and then lost them again, running between 7th and 10th most of the time. I treid to stretch my runs as long as possible to keep the last one short. With 35 laps to go I went in for the last time, pushed hard on the first couple of laps and gained 7th again. But with 20 to go the tires already started to give and the car behind was closing awfully fast. But then his tires also wavered and the gap stopped at around 1 second. At Atlanta this is not what you would call a comfortable gap. One small error, all your momentum is gone and you’d had it. So the last 10 laps were teeth grinding ones. Lost a tenth there, gained one here. But i managed to hold on to 7th place in the end. Gained another place in overall standings too, 13th spot is mine now. Still 12 races to go!