Day: September 19, 2012

Ideal Flight 10 in a box

The boxed versions just keep coming, don’t they? This time it’s Flight1‘s “Ideal Flight 10” which can now be purchased as physical media from simMarket,

Orbx New Zealand North Island boxed Orbx‘s unique style of scenery design has spread south once more, with the release a while ago as download versions of their two New

JustFlight “Xtreme Airport” boxes

It seems that boxed versions of software are making something of a resurgence in the FS add-on market, with another whole bunch being added to

The end of the world is nigh!!!

…or, at least you’d think so from some of the (over)reaction around the hobby. Yes, the inevitible has happened and Microsoft have announced that they

Freeware X-Italy

Instead of the boring and repeated textures tiles in X-Plane, X-Italy hosts a full coverage photoreal terrain for X-Plane 9. I linked to the English

Free downloads of AI Traffic packages

Complete or update your AI Traffic for FSX and FS9 at no cost, with another website : Click over a continent, a country and
