QualityWings Simulations – BAe 146 FSX preview

Quality Wings wouldn’t have made the simple conversion from FS9 to FSX of their BAe 146 model.

They will take advantage of the higher polygons amount and textures resolution support to provide an aircraft package up to their skills level they have improved over the last years. Click here to have a better idea of what i’m writing about.

0 Responses

  1. Nice work – the night lighting is also excellent which is good, many developers don’t spend a lot of time with it.

  2. The only thing that bugs me a little about it is the B737 MCU under the glareshield. Unless they’ve modelled it off an aircraft which has had the avionics completely replaced, I’ve never seen or heard of a BAe146 with an autoflight control system that sensible!

    All the aircraft I know of or can find information on had the usual (and typically British) units with very little common sense applied, but which somehow worked regardless.

    http://www.airliners.net/photo/0945251/L/ is more like I’d expect to see.

  3. Thanks Frank, but both of those are Avro RJs, not BAe 146s.

    It’s a bit like, say, upgrading a B737 Classic with the panel functionality of a B737NG. In fact the Avro RJ series was effectively the same thing – a modernisation package of the BAe 146 airframe and systems and Qualitywings do state that they will be doing both BAe 146 and Avro RJ models seperately.

    What I don’t know is whether they will have the same panel and gaugework or not. It’s not a major issue, it wouldn’t stop me buying or using the package, it just stands out a little.

  4. Hi Ian,
    I might be wrong here, but the topic on the qwsim forum states they’re currently working on the RJ100. I assume the screenshots they’re showing are coming from the RJ100….

  5. That would make sense, although I understood that with the ‘base’ 146 pack already released for FS9, they were doing the FSX version of that first. It’s quite likely that I’m wrong and heck, I don’t care which comes first… I’ll happily get either Avro RJs or BAe 146s!