Flight Replicas Bf-109K-4 for MSFS

The Messerschmitt Bf-109 series of aircraft remain one of the, if not the, greatest produced aircraft of all time, starting production during the inter-war years and serving as early versions through the Spainish Civil War, ending production with the capture of the factories in 1945.

The K version of the aircraft, known as the ‘Kurfürst‘, was built from 1944 until the end of the war, with approximately 1700 airframes being constructed. It was the fastest variant, as well as having the highest rate of climb of the series, and was constructed to keep pace with the advances in Allied fighter technology – a role it achieved with some undoubted success.

Flight Replicas’ rendition of the aircraft comes in seperate versions for FS9/2004, which also works in ‘stock’ FSX up to SP2, and an FSX native version which requires the Acceleration pack (or FSX Gold, which includes Acceleration) to be installed. Being a detailed model with many features, the FSX version may cause problems on slower computers and the developers recommend a minimum 3GHz CPU with a dedicated graphics card.

Full details as well as more screenshots can be found on the product pages for your respective version: FS2004 or FSX.