Carenado to support FS2004

Following numerous requests from customers who have remained with Microsoft’s Flight Simulator 2004 platform, GA aircraft developers Carenado have announced that they will soon begin delivering add-ons for the simulator.

Fernando Herrera of Carenado says: “Even though FS2004 technology does not allow us to make aircraft like the ones in FSX in term of visuals and technology, Carenado will provide a very good representation of the actual aircraft (as usually).

Our first release will be F33A Bonanza FS2004 which will be released in the next days. Pictures will be available in the next hours.

Please note that the image above is of the currently available FSX Bonanza, not the FS2004 version.

0 Responses

  1. Outstanding news!!! The Malibu is one that I’m hoping to see in FS9 for sure but I’ll take all the other latest new releases as well.

  2. Great news for the FS9 crowd! I can already think of 3 aircraft I am automatically going to add to the fleet!!!

    Thanks for thinking of the old school crowd
