Navigraph AIRAC cycle 1205

Flight simulation navigation data suppliers Navigraph have today issued a newsletter to say that AIRAC cycle 1205 is available for subscribers to their updates.

Usable with most complex airliner addons (as well as some GA types), along with many flight planners and other utilities, the Navigraph updates bring your simming experience in line with the current state of the real world. As usual, the new cycle costs 20 credits, or an annual (13 cycle) subscription can be purchased for 200 credits. The cycle installers for each applicable package can be downloaded at Navigraph.

Don’t forget that Navigraph credits can be purchased via simMarket, as well.


0 Responses

  1. Can your Navigraph Airac cycle 1206 update the FMC when using Just Flight Professional on the B777?

    1. Absolutely, use the PSS file from Navigraph Airac Cycle to update your JustFlight 777 Professional FMC.