XHT Labs – X-Plane scenery design


This demo video demonstrates what XHT can be achieved in X-Plane scenery design with XHT Labs Smart Scenery Design for X-Plane 10.

They retrieve data from Open Street Maps and use advanced algorithms for a good looking result. Video published by Aerosoft.

0 Responses

  1. Its coming along. Development for XPlane 10. Its looking better all the time. From aircraft to scenery developers, this sim is moving in the right direction.

  2. XPlane 10 will get there but the basic out of the box features could have been more completed instead of rushed and released with missing parts… For example, I can`t stand a made in 2011 claimed to be the most sophisticated PC simulator with 1 green season only for the whole year… odd and lacks immersion… On the other hand, the tool showcased in this video should be great for OSM data when available. Europe is the most advanced in OSM coverage I believe and this tool uses roads data as well as land-class and most important of all, buildings foot prints to build this precise layout. Xplane advantage is that it uses facades to create any shape of houses or buildings (unlike MS FSX)… However for other parts of the world, OSM data is sparse in terms of buildings footprints…