744 PSX : Aerowinx is back

Aerowinx is a respected company by long time simmers who have used or have heard about the PS1 747-400 simulator, bringing an incredible systems reproduction on our home computers between 1997 and 2008 until it got retired from the market.

They’re back with a new version PSX, already announced in 2010, but we have fresh new preview screenshots taken from an alpha version and published in their 744 forum. It will run on Windows and MacOS, at least.

0 Responses

  1. It can’t be 747 Precision Simulator! You can see out the front! 😉

    I am joking… I know a number of people who used to know and love that simulator.

  2. I’m glad Simflight noticed it, and posted this great News!
    I believe we’re seeing the very first public images of what will most certainly become the most perfect airliner simulation ever developed for a personal computer! PS1 was already that simulation when it was released.

    It’s not only the immersive simulation itself, with all of the bells and whistles of the B744, but the advanced details, never before seen in any flight simulation, for such things as the model of the atmosphere, the aerodynamics, etc…

    In a time of some dismay regarding the future of flight simulation, this is the best that could happen!

    Looking forward for it!!!!

  3. I used PS1, but back then (early 2000’s) the system modeling in MSFS was miles behind what PS1 offered. The the market has changed a lot in the last 10 years ,I can’t see how this can be that far away from what PMDG offers now. And if the price is in its former $250 ballpark , I think its going to be a harder sell this time.

  4. Ernie,

    I have to disagree. We really can’t compare the level of detail, the level of perfection, the ammount of systems and the way they are covered in PS1, and now most certainly PSX, to whatever product an add-on developer for the MSFS or even XPlane platforms can put out… The problem lies in the very core of the platform, very simplified compared to the level of detail/sophistication of what Aerowinx offers.

    A great deal of professionalism was certainly put into products by PSS (almost reborn…), PMDG, RealAir, A2A, etc… Unfortunately they’re all tied to the platform behind. The same goes, IMHO, for the XPlane world. PSX will, just to name an apparently tiny little detail from the thousands it will offer (and because it’s closer to my RL experience) be the first flight simulator (for public use) to model Geopotencial surfaces = surfaces of pressure that are not plain! MSFS models temperature layers (although it doesn’t really profit from it…) PSX will allow you to FOR THE FIRST TIME replicate the well known aviation sentence – From High to Low Watch out Bellow – on both aspects, pressure and temperature!

  5. In a slightly different area of detail, I’ve not yet met a PMDG B747-400 user who has had to abort a flight because of a faulty rear cargo bay fire sensor.

    PS1 was always designed as a training tool for real crews. I’ve never met or used any other simulator that went into the system depth that it did.

  6. I agree with Ian P
    I use this sim already a long time. Its far ahead of PMDG. Of course PMDG is very nice to fly. You have more scenery etc. I also flew this one a lot.

    For me its not either one or the other, I like to use them both.

    As far as I can see PSX is even more complete. Even the fuses are inserted fully working. In PS13 you already even had to choose the right fuel for your flight because A1 fuel in PS13 really freezes in flight when the temp is to low. WInd directions are more realistic, at a engine failure you have to go to the manual to see whats still working (lost engine 1 means no body and nose gear with hydraulics so you have to extract electrically).

    So I’m very happy Aerowinx is developing this new sim.

  7. I think the one sim that compared at least in part to PS1 was – and remains – the old Wilco “767 Pilot in Command”, which became the LDS767. That’s probably the closest sim in terms of system depth and functionality, but even then there are limitations.

    These COULD be coded around in a similar way to the way that Dodosim do with their Bell 206 and A2A do with Accu-Sim, but haven’t yet. Personally I think that the outlay to go to that level of system depth within FSX would put it way outside the price range of a consumer simulation and we would be back to the hundreds of pounds/dollars that PS1 cost twenty-odd years ago!