New 737 Overhead Panel Available

VRInsight and SimWare Simulations have announced the release of their first of its kind “All systems implemented” overhead panel.

The features list for the panel comprises:

– 70 toggle switches, 9 Rotary switches, 2 Rotary encoders
– All switchable 96-annunciator LEDs.
– 7-Segment display for Flight ALT, Landing ALT, AC/DC Electric variables and duct flow
– Compatible with : iFly FS X/2004 – PMDG 737 NG & NGX (soon) – Default 737 (soon)
– Microsoft Flight Simulator X/2004 compatible

To go with the new panel. SimWare Simulations are offering a free copy of the iFly B737 package, more details of which can be seen at simMarket, here. You can also click on “Read More” below for high-resolution images of the product.

0 Responses

    1. One of the images, I believe, shows it as if screwed to a ceiling or overhead board?

      I would presume that it comes with a number of mounting options, but I can’t afford one to try it and check, sorry! 🙂