Day: January 11, 2012

RealATC Goes Donationware

In a press release issued today, RealATC developer Ralph Zimmerman announces that he is converting the package to be Donationware. “The pioneer of RealATC for

rFactor2 Demo gets Soggy!

httpv:// We haven’t mentioned  ISI’s rFactor2 here on the frontpage before, but for those of our readership into car racing, as well as flight, sims,

Kashgar Airport for FS2004 Released

One advantage of the popularity and continued new development for Microsoft’s older flight simulator title is that you continue to get new and interesting places

Euro Truck Simulator 2 preview

While SCS Software is still busy developing Euro Truck Simulator 2, we found more videos to preview how many details they are working on. Our

More Orbx boxes at simMarket

FTX New Zealand South Island, FTX YMMB Moorabbin Airport, and FTX YWOL Wollongong Airport are three new boxes for sale at simMarket. The first title