AeroflyFS Crash testing

Hopefully, by now, most of the people who have been even slightly interested in AeroflyFS will have visited the site, read the information and review(s), weighed up the pros and cons and decided whether it’s for them or not. Whether you’re in that group or not, here’s a little something to either add to the information, or just for a bit of fun.

“TUCKIE10” has posted a video on YouTube of his crash testing attempts in the sim. You can very much see its RC model roots, most certainly, but by the same token you can also see some of the things the sim does well… Just look at those mountains in the background – as a wing comes off, naturally.

0 Responses

  1. It looks really interesting, but visiting their online store only confused me. Is the sim really $200? I can’t find anything that looks like simple software in a box for a reasonable price.

  2. From the screenshots and videos on their sites, I love the scenery details but especialy the daylight effect, it looks very true to life… However the scenery is limited to Switzerland only

  3. Last time I looked, Bill, it was only available via the German and International versions of their store, not the US and UK ones… I cannot say why this is, but no, it doesn’t cost $200 – that’s the RC Simulator which was developed into AeroflyFS.

    It’s far from obvious, though, I’d agree.

    Edit: If you go to the International shop, then click on “Flight Simulators” in the sidebar, select “aeroflyFS”, then the version with English handbook, it’s €39.99, but available boxed only. Being on 2 dual layer DVDs, this is not entirely surprising!

  4. Thanks, Ian. I’m assuming that it’s only available in the German language edition at the moment. I’m interested, but my German is too rusty to trust for flying. Will happily wait until an English version gets released.

  5. I’m told that the sim is in both English and German and, from the shop, the manual is available in either.

  6. I’m with Bill, the site is rather confusing. I think I read somewhere that Aerosoft were becoming interested in it. I wonder if they will act as distributors? I have to pick this up, somehow, it looks like a lot of fun. I think on their forum it said it will be in the US shop in February not sure about whe it will arrive for the British shop though. Hopefully some time soon.

  7. Yes it looks very good for an early stage sim- but I tried ordering it for $40 but they added another $40 for shipping! Download to come evennntuuuaaallllyyy