WBS P-51Ds in the shop

The P-51D Mustang Cadillac of the Skies Series – Little Friends II Part 4 of our unique series of sets has been specially created for FSX P51-D Pilots who care about both detail and pure, riveting-accuracy! North American’s Classic P-51D, features THE most accurate modeling and performance of this iconic aircraft ever made for simulation with this release of this, Little Friends II Project.

There’s not  a lot more to say than that about the latest addition at simMarket, which is the latest release in developer John Terrell’s labour of love covering the North American P-51D Mustang.

“Little Friends II” features eight liveries of the P-51D-5-NA as they would have appeared during the height of World War II. The list of features is somewhat epic, so we’ll leave you to visit the product page and read them for yourself before buying!

0 Responses

  1. Why ~ Why ~ Why , do you have to put Stuff like this up here, for me to Dive into buying it – Ya know I’m “Addicted” to anything with Props and thats “LOUD” !! I can hardly wait to ge these P-51 Mustangs now after seeing them – they’ll go Great with my other 2 P-51 Mustangs that are actually sitting out in my Hanger right now, I been sanding on them, and prepping them for paint, and I need to go buy some new bolts , just repainted my Spinner Cap, get it bolted on soon, and I’ve got to replace a Tail Wheel that broke – I seriously need to stay off these Flight Sim Sites tho – this stuff is “Addicting” ! the Jetranger !

  2. 1/1/2012 – I purchased this Might Fine P-51 Aircraft package and I must say its totally awsum I have FSX Gold Acceleration edition with above average Computer specs. so it worked fairly well on my computer. This model has EXTREME Details thru out – cockpit & Exterior of fuseladge too – so extreme that users with a Slower computer may have some shimmering or jitter problems once you load it into your sim (be forewarned)- great Aircraft – Super Great details and the “Self Installer” worked flawlessly right into my FSX Gold Acceleration edition too ! NO Problems here on my end with this aircraft package – awfully detailed tho !!!! (best have a fairly high end computer too ). the Jetranger