Ultimate Traffic 2 Schedules Update for Winter 2011

Flight1 Software’s popular FSX AI traffic add-on Ultimate Traffic 2 has been updated to include a more recent snapshot of daily and weekly airline traffic schedules from Winter 2011.

Available as a low cost upgrade to either the download or boxed versions of the software, more details and purchase information can be found at the Flight1 website here.

The boxed version of UT2, from Flight1 Europe, is available via simMarket.

0 Responses

  1. What they don’t say is whether any more major airlines have been dropped from UTII.
    The Summer and Fall 2011 schedules dropped Ryanair and JetBlue respectively, although they didn’t announce this at the time, and they only acknowledged the ommissions when customers flagged them up. I know Flight 1 have problems with some airlines that are moving from paper schedules to ones that are totally online, but a bit more transparency would be appreciated by customers who otherwise can get a nasty surprise.
    One irony is that the UTII splash screen features a line-up of JetBlue planes waiting to take off, an airline that it no longer features!