Outerra Beta Video


The video above was posted today on the Outerra forum, showing a recording from the software’s beta version using the internal recording feature.

Although Outerra is primarily a surface terrain rendering engine, vehicle and flight dynamics have been added to the software. It may be no competition to the established brands at present, but is definitely worth keeping an eye on for the future, don’t you think?

0 Responses

  1. If only AeroFly FS & Outerra could come together, now that would be something to watch out for. Great video. Who knows, both software are using OpenGL, so…let’s wait and see.

  2. It looks amazing. Any idea if this is a real spot on Earth they’re rendering, or a fractal-based, made-up world? The water effects in particular are beautiful. Love the look of the waves lapping against the beach.

  3. It is based on real data. You can send Outerra an photo – and they will show you this place in Outerra. Take a look into their forum.