X-Plane10 US Community Edition Box Set


There’s one thing that’s puzzling us about the Aerosoft X-Plane 10 “US Community Edition”… Why’s it a US Community Edition, when all the added high detail airports are in Europe?!? (The answer, for the record, is in the comments below… Thanks Mathijs!)

That aside, the boxed set of this version is now available from simMarket, here.

Please note that the XP10 US Community Edition is a limited, pre-release version of the X-Plane 10 Global Edition, which will be available next year. Purchasers of this version will get the full Global Edition, when it is released, free. Details of this can be found on the Aerosoft forums.

0 Responses

  1. It’s called the US Community edition because we had such strong demand from the US X-plane pilots to release the version with the additional content as early as possible. But we agree, the logic is not totally obvious!

  2. As much as i love X-Plane,i have been using it since version 5, I think this release was a complete mess, I ordered X-Plane 10…got the Global Edition (it says it on the cover) but sites says the global edition will come out next year…Jan 2012, now this Community, ….yet..10 is still in beta…(i really would have waited a bit more to get 10.0 Final on dvd instead of a beta).

    Now i know i will update anyway BUT, a company that is becoming as big and popular as Laminar Research should i think look after this detail as well.

    as for “because we had such strong demand from the US X-plane pilots to release the version with the additional content as early as possible” i think is complete bull… i mean people have been asking for V10 since last year this time…does that mean when people demand we give semi finished product to let them happy and finish them later??

    Again it is not against Laminar Research..i like them and respect them and i am sure V10 will be fabulous in the next few months… i just can’t stop thinking the launch is a total mess..

    My 2 C.

  3. I have worked in marketing research. Perhaps the reason they are going about this in the way they are, is to get people excited about the X-Plane 10 full release. I don’t remember seeing detailed screens until recently. They are doing their marketing and whetting our appetites. I will buy X-Plane 10 as well as the new FLIGHT from Microsoft. They both look great. Oh yea, I’ll need a hardware upgrade as well.

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