Airbus X Extended November 26th

Announced a month ago, Airbus X Extended shouldn’t be delayed as the initial program suffered.

If you missed this interesting news item, Aerosoft will add new exterior models with sharklets on wings, a reworked MCDU to support routes, SIDs /STARs, VNAV.. and the fly-by-wire features should be enhanced as well. It should be out… this November 26th.

Mathijs Kok demonstrates they’re also working on a possible MCDU remote control for iPad.

0 Responses

  1. Great news!
    I dont care about tablet and S%^&. I just want an airbus much better than wilco airbus.
    First aerosoft airbus version was for begginers..i hope this extended version to be for hardcore simmers.

  2. Looking forward to this update. I hope the price for previous owners of the basic version will be nice too.