Day: September 28, 2011

Promo video for Anchorage X from Sim-Wings/Aerosoft

httpv:// Jaggy Road Films produced the official promo video of the recently released Anchorage X developed by Sim-Wings – Thorsten Loth. The video is the

MegaScenery Earth Airports Turns 100!

To cover some parts of USA with satellite textures at 1 or 2m per pixels, there is MegaScenery Earth delivering the selected areas through download

Just Planes DVD – Malev B767-300, B737-3/400, Fokker 70

httpv:// The latest DVD of Just Planes will refresh memories… when Malev airline was operating their Boeing 767-300, Boeing 737-300 and -400, and Fokker 70.

FSFuel 3 : preflight tool like a pro

Airliners pilots willing to prepare their flight seriously with accurate fuel calculations for each leg of the flight plan, weather informations (Metar, winds aloft), and other