Real Environment Xtreme Service Pack 3 for X-Plane

From my point of view and many of the X-Plane users will agree with me, the first expansion to install for X-Plane is Real Environment Xtreme,it’s a whole and big enhancement.

Enjoy more realistic clouds and environment textures, along a weather engine which has been fixed with the new Service Pack 3.

REX Game Studios is pleased to announce the release of Service Pack 3 of REXPlane for X-Plane. Fixes include an updated backend processing code of the weather sync feature, fixes for formatting of the metar.rwx file handling of temp and dew point, updated backend code for better performance of the WASYS system and moved processing of weather to our new database system.

About REX

REX is an award-winning leader in environment simulation add-ons with connections to consumers, businesses and institutions globally. The company’s offering span global services and home computing.

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