Time for a Facelift?

You’ve probably noticed that the decor, as well as a few other things, have changed around here… Well, thanks to a huge amount of time and effort from Miguel over the last few days (especially just after Midnight this morning when I popped up and pointed out problems which were fixed by the time I got up today!) it’s now done.

Hopefully the new site in its new home will load faster and eliminate the problems that some people were having, but what do you, our readership, think? Comments via the “Discuss” button below the news article, please!

0 Responses

  1. It is certainly faster to load. Much appreciated. I find the white text on the black menu background is a little hard to read though. I suggest a bold font to make the letters thicker. Good job. Much cleaner.

    1. the links are now in the menu above, under ‘simflight network’ !