Day: August 1, 2011

Carenado – C172N for X-Plane

X-Plane 9 can feature a great C172N rendition thanks to Carenado. You’re just one click away to discover the realistic model with interactive virtual cockpit,

Aerosoft – RadioStack X

Already available since a few days, it’s not too late to share the info of RadioStack X. Now you know you have to enter iTunes

Nemeth Designs – Agusta Westland AW-109

simMarket sells the latest helicopter of Nemeth Designs : the Agusta Westland AW-109. It needs the Acceleration Pack installed, but it has two cabin configurations

PMDG 737NGX Takeoff video and RC

Angle of Attack published a third video of the PMDG 737 NGX, now in take-off action. The developers team also revealed they sent a Release