PMDG 737 NGX release date and new videos

Unless Beta testers find important troubles to delay the planning, the PMDG 737 NGX should be available in less than 10 days. For now it’s set on August 4 2011 according to Robert S. Randazzo’s last message. We may have more infos about pricing soon.

You have two more videos to enjoy, published after the walk-around, to showcase the virtual cockpit and the first impressions of AFDS / EGPWS systems.

0 Responses

  1. We want to know if PMDG resolve the problem of FPS , we hope that PMDG 737 NGX work fine

  2. What FPS problem have you heard about ? The last time PMDG talked about the NGX and FPS, it was weeks ago and they were saying it was working as fine as the J41. If you are satisfied with it and your actual hardware, the NGX should be fine as well. More recently, I can refer you to this forum thread.


    CORE I7 2700 K OC 4.8
    GTX 580 with PMDG 747 i have 22 fps in VC at LFPG

    My question is what the average of FPS the NGX can offer to us regarding to another addons
