Hello, helos…

Depending on your outlook on sims other than MSFS, FlightGear, X-Plane and the like, you may or may not have heard of Bohemia Interactive’s soldier simulator “Armed Assault 2”.

Even if you’ve heard of it, you may not be aware that apparently a lot of its user base have taken to using it as a combat flight simulator. Well, the developers have apparently been listening to their users and have announced an upcoming PC-only, pure helicopter flight sim, to be known as “Take On Helicopters”.

Three aircraft are currently included in the sim, “Light” (an MD500), “Medium” (which looks astonishingly like a Bell 427) and “Heavy” – an EH101 “Merlin”. You’ll be playing the role of “Tom Larkin”, who takes on a failing helicopter company and builds it back up, so we know it will be storyline driven and will have a campaign mode that will allow you to choose contracts to take, upgrade your aircraft and then take on new and presumably more challenging jobs.

If you’re interested, there’s a pretty good FAQ thread at Bohemia Interactive’s site here and the sim’s main site is here. It’s looking good so far! Release is expected around the end of 2011. We’ll try and keep you updated whenever we find out any more.