Cushman Meadows released


If the word has not come to you yet, Cushman Meadows scenery is now available.

The above video is a short flight in the DA20-100 Katana 4X in the new scenery of Bill Womack for Orbx.

0 Responses

  1. That guy was getting insane framerates!, and I suspect it was a crosswind landing in a thunderstorm, hence crap looking.

  2. I hope that flying (and landing) was part of the plan to make those simulated failures happen sooner than later:), the pilot reached the yellow zone and flaps weren’t even up! And I was curious about the altimeter behaviour, I’ve never seen that jumping up and down in FS, I wonder why was that? The turn coordinator also seemed stuck on left turn. Great showcase for a great aircraft and awsome scenery… I’d buy it today if I didn’t have to buy a whole new computer to go with it:(. My goodness is flightsimming getting more and more exciting… (still I’ll miss Fritz and his grass mowing machine when I leave FS9 behind – talking about Emma field and the saturday night music concerts). “Proceed to parking!”

  3. Yeah, kind of looked like a demonstration on how not to fly, but it is a great aircraft nonetheless. And I have no doubt the scenery is excellent as well as has become the norm from both Bill and ORBX as a whole.

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